Another cause of high oil prices is the weak American dollar. 油价居高不下的另一个原因就是美元疲软。
Typically oil exporters receive payment in dollars and then sell them, meaning that higher oil prices lead to a lower dollar. 通常石油出口国会接受美元付款,随后再卖掉这些美元,这意味着油价上涨会导致美元贬值。
When oil rises, so the dollar tends to depreciate against other currencies. 当石油上涨时,美元相对于其他货币往往也会贬值。
Commodity prices also fell on Wednesday, with gold hitting a low of$ 980.80 an ounce, down from more than$ 1,030 on Monday, and oil fell one dollar to around$ 108 a barrel. 黄金价格达到每盎司980美元80美分的低点,而星期一每盎司黄金售价超过1030美元。另外,石油价格下跌一美元,每桶价格为大约108美元。
An era of cheap oil and dollar strength should prove a boon for a country that imports shiploads of commodities and wants exports to cushion a growth slowdown. 对一个进口大量大宗商品、并希望用出口缓冲经济增长放缓的国家,油价低廉和美元走强的时代本来应该是一大福音。
The increasingly tight oil supply and weaker US Dollar will surely result in a rise in oil prices. 石油供需矛盾的日益突出和美元贬值必然导致油价上涨;
But Mr Khelil blamed record oil prices on the weak dollar and global political insecurity. 但克利勒将创纪录的油价归咎于美元疲软及全球政治风险。
Denomination currency of international oil transaction: why us dollar? 国际石油交易的计价货币为什么是美元?
But with oil prices rising and the dollar falling, the dangers of inaction are greater. 但是随着油价上涨和美元走低,不作为的风险将越来越大。
A sudden yen appreciation, an announcement by a big central bank of substantial dollar holding reduction, or an oil price shock could precipitate more acute dollar weakness. 日元突然升值、一大型央行宣布大规模减持美元资产或者一次石油价格冲击,都可能会导致美元更严重走软。
In the oil exporting countries of the Gulf, dollar pegs force these overheating economies to depreciate on a trade-weighted basis when appreciation would be better. 在海湾石油出口国中,美元联系汇率制度迫使这些过热经济体让其本币的贸易加权汇率贬值,而其本币升值可能更好。
In recent days the ministers have played down the idea that record oil prices should force the oil producers 'group to raise production, blaming financial investors for pushing up prices and arguing that oil has been rising because the US dollar has been falling. 近日,欧佩克石油部长们弱化了这种观点:即创纪录的油价应会迫使该组织增产,他们指责金融投资者推升了油价,并辩称,油价不断攀升是因为美元不断走软。
Whatever the truth, a further implication is that oil could rise, and the dollar fall, once yuan appreciation resumes. 无论真相为何,这也进一步意味着,一旦人民币恢复对美元升值,油价可能上升,而美元对其它货币将会贬值。
OPEC President Chakib Khelil today ( Thursday) blamed soaring oil prices on a weak dollar, but said he does not think oil prices will hit200-dollars a barrel. 欧佩克主席哈利勒今天(星期四)把油价飞涨归咎于美元疲软,但表示他不认为油价会达到每桶200美元。
Oil and the dollar have tended to move in opposite directions because commodities are seen by some investors as a haven from weakness in the US. 油价和美元已经趋于向相反方向运行,这是因为大宗商品被一些投资商们视为规避美国经济走弱的天堂。
And, indeed, the oil price started to fall, the dollar started to rise, and the yen carry trade started to lose money, in July, just as China's currency stopped rising against the dollar. 果然,油价开始下跌,美元开始升值,日元套利交易开始赔钱。这一切都发生在7月,恰逢中国人民币停止对美元升值。
High oil prices and the weak dollar would force it higher, and indeed the last inflation numbers of the year made it look as though inflationary pressures were accelerating once more. 油价高企和美元走软将迫使通胀加剧,事实上通胀数据似乎显示,通胀压力正再次提速。
Russia's central bank warned investors yesterday that rouble appreciation was not a one-way bet as it sought to stem an advance in the currency sparked by rising oil prices and a falling dollar. 俄罗斯央行昨天警告投资者说,卢布升值并不是一场单向的赌博。该机构正试图阻止因油价上升和美元贬值而触发的卢布汇率上涨。
Shortly after Mr Buffett made his remarks on CNBC, gold and oil hit record highs, while the dollar suffered further selling. 巴菲特在cnbc电视频道发表上述讲话后不久,黄金和石油价格均触及创纪录高点,而美元则继续下跌。
The move into gold reflects how investors fear rising inflation from the twin forces of higher oil prices and a weaker dollar. 投资者买入黄金,表明他们担心油价上涨和美元走弱的双重作用,将推动通胀不断加剧。
A Demonstrative Study on Dynamic Relationship of International Oil Futures Price and US Dollar Index 国际石油期货价格与美元指数动态关系的实证研究
As oil is quoted in dollars, and higher oil prices create petrodollars that must be recycled, a higher oil price means a weaker dollar, all else being equal. 由于原油以美元计价,且油价上涨创造的石油美元必须得到循环利用,在其它条件等同的情况下,油价走高便意味着美元走低。
But they would not address the underlying mismatch between any oil exporter and a dollar peg. 但他们将无法应付任何盯住美元与石油输出者之间的错位可能。
It is predicted that the oil price level in 2007 will not exceed the level of 2006, and should there were no grave geopolitics events, the average crude oil price will be below 60 dollar/ barrel. 预期2007年全年油价不会超过2006年水平,如果不出现重大地缘政治事件,全年原油均价将低于60美元/桶。
Tentative Thoughts on the Role of the Oil-dollar Regime in the US Interests in Middle East 试论石油美元体制对美国在中东利益中的作用
In the short term, a 1% increase in US crude oil inventory and US dollar exchange rate will each result in a 1.92% and 1.82% drop in oil prices accordingly. 在短期内,美国原油库存和美元汇率每提高1%,油价将分别下跌1.92%和1.82%;
How Does Oil Dollar Influence the Global Balance of Payments 石油美元对全球国际收支平衡的影响
At the same time, this thesis also analyses the impact of trade liberalization, oil price and US dollar exchange rate on food price volatility. 同时,分析了贸易自由化、全球石油价格和美元汇率对大米价格波动的影响。